Connectivity Everywhere

For enterprises and their teams in the field.

Certified DevicesCountry Zones

One SIM. Multiple Networks. Ubiquitous Coverage.

Advantix SmartSIM™ connects SIM-enabled hardware devices – tablets, handheld computers, laptops, IoT devices, and more – to hundreds of cellular networks worldwide via intelligent carrier switching—and it’s Always ON.

If your connection drops, your device will automatically failover by connecting to the next available carrier, ensuring business as usual without losing revenue, productivity, or negative customer experiences.


Network outages, congested cell towers, and dead zones in rural areas can disrupt cellular connectivity. SmartSIM is designed to overcome these challenges. It’s like a continuous connectivity insurance policy.

The SmartSIM Value Stack

One intelligent SIM for global coverage

Auto-failover with seamless switching between mobile networks

Ubiquitous coverage, including countries with roaming restrictions

Simplifies SIM and data plan management

Enables proactive optimization of usage

Provides real-time data on network performance and carrier switching

Monitoring of carrier networks worldwide

Constant testing of network paths for optimal performance

24/7/365 trouble-resolution hotline/services

600+ network providers worldwide

4G/LTE in 160+ countries

5G coverage in 48 countries

Fully redundant global IP network supporting 4G/LTE and 5G where available

Direct network access for better control and SIM management

Data centers in the U.S., Amsterdam, Hong Kong and Singapore

Not All Multicarrier SIMs are the Same

Multicarrier SIM solutions have different capabilities and features. Some require over-the-air (OTA) updates before your device can switch carriers, forcing you to remove and load profiles. Some constantly roam carrier networks or consistently scan the device for the best signal. Others have limited network paths, which impacts failover, or they have limited network layer control.

SmartSIM is different.

With no manual intervention, changing profiles, or rebooting your device.
Multi-IMSI Network
Allows granular management of the solution and additional failover options.
IMS Platform
Supports IP multimedia services including VoLTE and SMS text messaging.
Superior Security
Includes DPI at the network layer to apply virus, malware and content filtering.
Network Tuning
Enhanced network troubleshooting and fast over-the-air (OTA) updates.
POC Testing
A powerful POC program that proves carrier switching and application success.
Amazing Analytics
Superior real-time network analytics, including carrier switching data.
Unrivaled Support
A massive support structure staffed with experienced, responsive teams.

Ensure “Always ON” Connectivity

Real-time network outage detection with intelligent network switching ensures maximum uptime for your connected devices regardless of location.

Say Goodbye to Management Fatigue

SmartSIM eliminates the need to manage multiple carriers and SIM types, reducing inventory, carrier contracts, platforms, portals, and invoices.

Eliminate Truck Rolls for SIM Swaps

With SmartSIM, the SIM card does not need to be swapped out as carrier networks evolve and retire legacy systems and services, saving lots of dough.

Access Unprecedented Carrier Switching Analytics

SmartSIM customers can access real-time data on network performance and carrier switching, with visibility into uptime, the average number of carrier switches per SIM, and the average time per switch.

Enjoy Unmatched Support

Advantix employs talented engineers and account personnel who can assist you and ensure you get the most out of SmartSIM.

  • Demos and proof-of-concept (POC) testing with documentation
  • Fast-track device certification (210 hardware devices and counting)
  • Streamlined fulfillment: SIM ordering, configuration and management
  • 24-hour monitoring, management and problem resolution services

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